What is it HSM?
HSM is cloud based Clinic Management System with user-friendly interface!
HSM provides the perfect solution for management of medical clinics, with a wide range of unique developments that suit different fields of interest.
Manages Electronic Medical Records
HSM manages your virtual medical files which contain a wide range of information about your patient. This file includes: demographic information, personal information, personal and familial medical history, allergies, diagnosis, medications, visit follow-up, tests and prescriptions.
Access from anywhere, anytime
HSM makes your clinic available to you from anywhere at any time.
HSM can also be activated from smart phones and tablets.
HSM saves you the worry of backup and software updates, the service and maintenance are centralized so your information is safe and secured through modern efficient methods.
HSM sees information security as a top priority and therefore invests many resources in order to protect confidentiality of medical information.
HSM uses the most advanced encryption algorithms to protect your information.
Manages Electronic Medical Records
HSM manages your virtual medical files which contain a wide range of information about your patient. This file includes: demographic information, personal information, personal and familial medical history, allergies, diagnosis, medications, visit follow-up, tests and prescriptions.
HSM manages your electronic medical record containing demographic information, personal information, personal and familial medical history, allergies and more.
Clinic Visits
HSM allows full follow-up after each patient's visit at the clinic and print-out of "visit summary" which includes a summary report of the visit.
HSM makes use of the international database of diagnosis ICD-10 for proper diagnosis of the patient.
HSM contains a database of international medications for proper medication and treatment of the patient.
Medical tests
HSM manages your patients medical tests.
Referrals and Prescriptions
HSM manages your patients referrals and prescriptions.
Access from Anywhere, Anytime
HSM makes your clinic available to you from anywhere at any time.
Cloud based software for Clinic Management
There is no need for installation or maintenance on the clients-and web-site.
Access from anywhere
HSM is accessible to you anytime and anywhere, whether you are: in the clinic, at the home of a patient, or your home.
Access from any platform
HSM is accessible through a user name and password from any computer, tablet or smartphone that is connected to the internet.
HSM saves you the worry of backup and software updates, the service and maintenance are centralized so your information is safe and secured through modern efficient methods.
Automatic Backups
HSM saves you the worry of having to constantly backup information. Your information is automatically backed up through effective modern methods.
Centralized maintenance and service
There is no need for installation of updates in the client's site.
Software Updates
HSM provides centralized updates for free without having to physically travel to the clients clinic.
HSM sees information security as a top priority and therefore invests many resources in order to protect confidentiality of medical information.
Authentication and Permissions
HSM is built on the values of user privacy and confidentiality of medical information, therefore it contains authentication methods and permissions in order to restrict access to people who are not allowed.
End to end communication encryption
HSM secures communications between it and its users through encryption security mechanisms and among the most advanced in the world, which constitute data encryption standards issues in the Internet world. Preventive secure contact information conveyed to unveil unauthorized factors.
Servers Security
HSM servers protected by a firewall (Firewall) and stored in a server farm protected by physical security.